Donations for world-changing impact

Our objective is to promote the efficacy of the charity sector by increasing donor contributions to charities via a Donor Advised Fund. We vet all benefiting charities to ensure they meet our strict eligibility criteria and use the charitable funds we deliver for charitable purposes only.

How we help



You donate to the Percent Impact Foundation, either directly or through one of our partners’ platforms.


We provide donation receipts
for tax purposes.


We grant funds to charities that are exempt from Federal Income taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, and classified as a public charity under Section 509(a)(1), or 509(a)(2) of the Code on the Internal Revenue Service’s Exempt Organisations.


Our work with Percent

We work closely with Percent an organisation that embeds giving features into digital products to enable companies to create meaningful positive impact.

We support Percent by distributing charitable donations in the United States safely and securely to charitable organisations from their database.